Register of Dignitaries part 17


XIV The Superintendent of the Sacred Bedchamber

Under the control of worshipful superintendent of the sacred bedchamber:
[The text is wanting.]

XV The Castellan of The Sacred Palaces

Under the control of the worshipful castellan.

[The same as in the similar office in the East, No. XVII, save that here we have “the lady Augusta” in the singular.]

XVI The Chief Of The Notaries

Under the control of the worshipful chief of the notaries:

[The same as in No. XVIII, above.]

XVII. The Masters of The Bureaus

The master of the bureau of memorials formulates all rescripts and issues them, and also responds to petitions.

The master of the bureau of correspondence deals with legations from cities and consultations and petitions.

The master of the bureau of requests deals with the hearing of cases and petitions.

XVIII The Proconsul of Africa

Under the control of the worshipful proconsul of Africa:
The proconsular province and its two legates.

His staff is as follows:
A chief of staff from the school of confidential agents the first class,
A chief deputy,
Two receivers of taxes,
A chief clerk,
A custodian,
A chief assistant,
A keeper of the records,
Notaries, and the rest of the staff.

XIX The Vicar of the City of Rome

Under the control of the worshipful vicar of the city of are the provinces mentioned below:
of Campania,
of Tuscany and Umbria,
of suburbicarian Picenum,
of Sicily.
of Apulia and Calabria,
of Bruttii and Lucania.
of Samnium,
of Sardinia,
of Corsica,
of Valeria.

The staff of the aforesaid worshipful vicar is as follows:
[Same as in the preceding section, with the addition of curator of correspondence.]

XXII The Vicar of the Seven Provinces

Under the control of the worshipful vicar of the Seven Provinces:

of Vienne,
of Lyons,
of Germania prima,
of Germania secunda,
of Belgica, prima,
of Belgica secunda.

of the Maritime Alps,
of the Pennine and Graiam Alps,
of Maxima Sequanorum,
of Aquitanica prima,
of Aquitanica secunda,
of Novem populi,
of Narbonensis prima,
of Narbonensis secunda,
of Lugdunensis secunda,
of Lugdunensis tertia,
of Lugdunensis Senonia.

The staff of the aforesaid worshipful vicar of the Seven. Provinces:
[The same as in No. XIX.]

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