Register of Dignitaries part 11


II The Pretorian Prefect of Italy.

Under the control -of the illustrious pretorian prefect of Italy are the dioceses mentioned below:
Italy; Illyricum; Africa.

of Italy seventeen:
Venetia; Aemilia; Liguria; Flaminia and Picentim, and Picenum; Tuscia and Umbria; Picenum suburbicarium; Campania; Sicily; Apulia and Calabria, Lucania andd Brittii; the Cottian Alps; Raetia prima, Raetia secunda; Samnium; Valeria; Sardinia; Corsica.

of Illyricum. six:
Pannonia secunda; Savia; Dalmatia; Pannonia prima; Mediterranean Noricum; ripuarian Noricum.

of Africa seven:
Byzacium; Numidia; Mauritania Sitifensis; Mauritania Caesariensis; Tripolis.
The prefect of the grain tribute of Africa; the prefect of the patrimonial estates.

The staff of the illustrious pretorian prefect of Italy:
A chief of staff,
A chief deputy,
A chief assistant,
A custodian,
A keeper of the records, Receivers of taxes,
A curator of correspondence,
A registrar,

III The Pretorian Prefect of the Gauls

Under the control of the illustrious pretorian prefect of the Gauls are the dioceses mentioned below:
The Spains; the Seven Provinces; the Britains.

of the Spains seven:
Baetica; Lusitania;, Callaecia; Tarraconensis; Carthaginensis; Tingitania; the Balearic Isles.

of the Seven Provinces seventeen:*
Viennensis; Lugdumensis prima; Germania prima, Germania secunda; Belgica prima; Belgica secunda; the Maritime Alps; the Pennine and Graian Alps; Maxima Sequanorum; Aquitania prima; Aquitania secunda; Novempopuli; Narbonensis prima; Narbonensis secunda; Lugdunensis Secunda; Lugdugnensis tertia; Lugduneusis Senonia.

[*] See Bury’s Gibbon, Vol.. 11, App. ii, for the anomaly of seventeen provinces ranged under the title. The Seven Provinces. Subdivision and addition had caused what was originally the diocese of The Five Provinces to include the seventeen here named.

of the Britains five:
Maxima Caesariensis; Valentia; Britannia prima; Britannia secunda; Flauia Caesariensis.

The staff of the illustrious pretorian prefect of the Gauls:
[Precisely the same as that of the pretorian prefect of the East, p. 5.]

IV. The Prefect of the City of Rome.

Under the control of the illustrious prefect of the city of Rome are held the administrative positions mentioned below:
The prefect of the grain supply,
The prefect of the watch,
The count of the aqueducts,
The count of the banks and bed of the Tiber, and of the sewers,
The count of the port,
The master of the census,
The collector of the wine-tax,
The tribune of the swine-market,
The consular of the water-supply,
The curator of the chief works,
The curator of public works,
The curator of statues,
The curator of the Galban granaries,
The centenarian of the port,*
The tribune of art works

The staff of the illustrious prefect of the city:
A chief of staff,
A chief deputy,
A chief assistant,
A custodian,
A keeper of the records,
Receivers of taxes,
A chief clerk (or receiver),
A curator of correspondence,
A registrar,
Clerks of the census,

[*] The functions of this officer and the next one cannot be accurately determined, and the translation is uncertain in the latter case, tribunus rerum nitentium.

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