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War with Scyths part 7

IV When the troops entrenched at Choereni learnt of the advances of incredibly large Scythian armies, they sent word of this to the Emperor who was still at Aenus. He at once embarked in...

War with Scyths part 6

Under these circumstances the Emperor did what he could by letters to collect a mercenary army from all sides. But when the sun had reached the spring solstice and the threatening war from the...

War with Scyths part 5

III In such manner did God on that occasion grant the ruler an astounding victory. When the Byzantines saw him enter the city, they shouted with joy for they were astonished at the swiftness,...

War with Scyths part 4

This would be a soldier’s joke quite free from danger, yet with a spice of fear in it; for before they were seriously alarmed, they would be reassured by seeing the Emperor behind. In...

War with Scyths part 3

II When evening had fallen (it was a Saturday) he returned with his captives (to Choerobacchi) and spent the next day quietly there. At daybreak on Monday he left the fort and divided his...

War with Scyths part 2

Consequently he assembled the soldiers and wishing to test their feelings, said, “We must not let our courage flag by contemplating the number of Scythians, but put our trust in God and go to...

War with Scyths part 1

War with the Scyths (1091) : Victory at Levunium (29 April 1091) : Plots against the EmperorI the Emperor was now informed that the Scythians had detached a division and sent it against Choerobacchi,...

Register of Dignitaries part 18

XXIII. The Vicar of the BritainsUnder the control of the worshipful vicar of the Britains:Consulars:of Maxima Caesariensis,of Valentia.Presidents:of Britannia prima,of Britannia secunda,of Flavia Caesariensis.The staff of the same worshipful vicar is as follows:XXVI The...

Register of Dignitaries part 17

XIV The Superintendent of the Sacred BedchamberUnder the control of worshipful superintendent of the sacred bedchamber:XV The Castellan of The Sacred PalacesUnder the control of the worshipful castellan.XVI The Chief Of The NotariesUnder the...

Register of Dignitaries part 16

The accountant of the private property in the city of Rome and the suburbicarian regions, and the estate of FaustjThe accountant of the private property in Sicily,The accountant of the private property in Africa,The...

Kings Catacombs