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Register of Dignitaries part 5

The staff of the aforesaid illustrious master of the offices is made up from the school of confidential agents as follows:A chief assistant,Assistants:two aids,three for the arsenals,four for the embroiderers in gold:for the diocese...

Register of Dignitaries part 4

The staff of the aforesaid office of the master in the presence is enrolled with the forces and assigned to staff duty.It includes the officers below mentioned:A chief of staff,Two accountants (numerarii),A custodian,Chief...

Register of Dignitaries part 3

The officials named in the text received high salaries. After working through to the highest staff position, which was commonly held for either one or two years, they were eligible for the lower governorships,...

Register of Dignitaries part 2

II The Pretorian Prefect of the East.Under the control of the illustrious* pretorian prefect of the East are the dioceses below mentioned:Each of the great officials of the empire at this time was...

Register of Dignitaries part 1

I. Register of the Dignitaries Both Civil and Military, in the Districts of the East.The pretorian prefect of the East.The pretorian prefect of Illyricum.The prefect of the city of Constantinople.Two masters of horse and...

The Mysterious Picture part 3

“You shall soon have some better fare than that,” answered the Landgrave, “but where is this donkey of yours?”“I left him on the Grande Place,” Ulenspiegel said, “opposite the palace; and I should be...

The Sailor and the Pearl Merchant part 8

The next day, therefore, the sailor took on board the old man and a black slave, and for three months they sailed, until they once more reached the island of pearls. There they made...

The Sailor and the Pearl Merchant part 7

Full of terror the sailor swam till he reached the other side of the mountain. There he met an old man who greeted him, and, after hearing his adventure, fed him and took him...

The Sailor and the Pearl Merchant part 6

But at the sound of his footsteps they raised their heads and called out “Who are you?” He told them that the shepherd had brought him and offered him hospitality. A great cry arose...

The Sailor and the Pearl Merchant part 5

With great mourning the wife and family of Abu`l Fawaris celebrated his loss; but he, after sleeping soundly in the archway and giving thanks to his Maker for preserving him alive, made his way...

Rose Festival


At the Well Part 7


Grand Balkan Tour