Register of Dignitaries part 6


XIV The Count of the Private Domain

Under the control of the illustrious count of the private domain:
The imperial estates,
The accountants of the private domain,
The private baggage train,
The provosts of the herds [* of horses] and stables,
The procurators of the pastures.

The staff of the aforesaid illustrious count of the private domain
A chief clerk of the whole staff,
A chief clerk of remitted taxes,
A chief clerk of the fixed taxes,
A chief clerk of receipts, [* for taxes paid]
A chief clerk of the bureau of private bounties, and other, clerks of the aforesaid bureaus,
A deputy chief clerk of the whole staff, who has charge of the documents of that staff, and other palatine [officials]

The count of the private domain is entitled to as many post- warrants in the year as his occasions may require.

XV The Count of the Household Horse. The Count of the Household Foot.

Under the control of the illustrious counts of the household horse and foot.

The household horse,

The household foot, and those of them deputized [on special missions].

The count of the household horse is entitled to ____

The count of the household foot is entitled to ____

XVI The Superintendent Of The Sacred Bedchamber

[The text is wanting.]

XVII The Castellan

Under the control of the worshipful * castellan:
The pages,
The imperial household servants,
The custodians of the palaces,
The staff of the worshipful castellan aforesaid includes:
An imperial accountant,
An accountant for the imperial Augustae,
An assistant,
A record-keeper and his bureau, and other palatine [officials] of the aforesaid staff.

[*] The first instance in this book of the second grade of official nobility,.See note 1, p. 5.

XVIII. The Chief Of The Notaries.

Under the control of the worshipful chief of the notaries. The registry of all the official and administrative positions, both military and civil.

He also has charge of the schools and the forces.

He does not have a staff, but an assistant from the school of the notaries.

[*] He seems to have kept the records. if not to have controlled the disposition, of the troops in the various provinces, and to have issued the commissions of the higher military officers. The register of these is called the ” greater”‘ or ” superior 11 register. See note i, p. 18.

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