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The Simple Life in Serbia


A Look at Serbian Towns

Outside of Belgrade, most towns in Serbia are not what many would consider towns at all. Instead, they resemble large villages with wide streets and plain, single-story houses. In the evenings, everyone gathers in these towns to “make promenade.” As dusk falls, the few paraffin lamps flicker, illuminating the local inns and creating a cozy atmosphere. These inns, which may seem modest during the day, become lively spots filled with families and friends.

Despite the lack of wealth, life here is joyful. The wine is inexpensive, the coffee is strong, and the food is simple yet satisfying. From the perspective of someone living in a big city like London, it might seem that the people of Serbia should feel sorry for their situation. However, the truth is that they are light-hearted and content. In fact, this sense of happiness and contentment is worth far more than material wealth A Serene Serv