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Register of the Dignitaries Both Civil and Military, in the Districts of the East.
The pretorian prefect of the East.
The pretorian prefect of Illyricum.
The prefect of the city of Constantinople.
Two masters of horse and foot in the presence.
[The master] of horse and foot in the East.
[The master] of horse and foot in Thrace.
[The master] of horse and foot in Illyricum.
The provost of the sacred bedchamber.
The master of the offices.
The quaestor.
The count of the sacred bounties.
The count of the private domains.
Two counts of the household troops:
of horse,
of foot.

The superintendent of the sacred bedchamber.
The chief of the notaries.
The castellan of the sacred palace.

The masters of bureaus:
of memorials,
of correspondence,
of requests,
of Greek [versions].

Two proconsuls:
of Asia; of Achaia.
The count of the East.
The Augustal prefect.

Four vicars:
of [the diocese of] Asia; of [the diocese of] Pontus; of [the diocese of] the Thraces; of [the diocese of] Macedonia.
Two military counts:
of Egypt; of Isauria.

Thirteen dukes:
in [the diocese of] Egypt two:
of the Libyas; of Thebais.
in [the diocese of] the East six:
of Phoenice; of Euphratensis and Syria; of Palestine; of Osroena; of Mesopotamia; of Arabia.
in [the diocese of] Pontus one:
of Armenia.
in [the diocese of] Thrace two:
of Moesia secunda; of Scythia.
in [the diocese of] Illyricum two:
of ripuarian Dacia; of Moesia prima.

Fifteen consulars:
in [the diocese of] the East five:
of Palestine; of Phoenice; of Syria; of Cilicia; of Cyprus
in [the diocese of] Asia three:
of Pamphylia; of Hellespontus; of Lydia.
in [the diocese of] Pontus two:
of Galatia; of Bithynia.
in [the diocese of] Thrace two:
of Europe; of Thrace.
in [the diocese of] Ilyricum three:
of Crete; of.Macedonia; of Mediterranean Dacia.

Egypt, however, does not possess the consular dignity.

Forty presidents:
in [the diocese of) Egypt five:
of upper Lybia; of lower Lybia; of Thebais; of Egypt; of Arcadia.

in [the diocese of] the East eight:
of Palaestina salutaris; of Palaestina secunda; of Phoenice Libani; of Euphratensis; of Syria salutaris; of Osroena; of Mesopotamia; of Cilicia secunda.

in [the diocese of] Asia seven:
of Pisidia; of Lycaonia; of Phrygia Pacatiana; of Phrygia salutaris; of Lycia; of Caria; of the Islands.

in [the diocese of] Pontus eight:
of Honorias; of Cappadocia prima; of Cappadocia secunda; of Helenopontus; of Poutus Polemoniacus; of Armenia prima; of Armenia secunda; of Galatia salutaris.

Register of Dignitaries part 8

XXVIII. The Count of The Egyptian FrontierUnder the control of the worshipful military count of Egypt:The fifth Macedonian legion, at Memphis,The thirteenth twin legion, at Babylon,The Stablesian horse, at Pelusium,The Saracen Thamudene horse, at...

Register of Dignitaries part 7

XIX. The Masters of the Bureaus.The master of the bureau of memorials formulates and issues all rescripts, and responds to petitions.The master of the bureau of correspondence deals with deputations from states, consultations *...

Register of Dignitaries part 6

XIV The Count of the Private DomainUnder the control of the illustrious count of the private domain:The imperial estates,The accountants of the private domain,The private baggage train,The provosts of the herds and stables,The...

Register of Dignitaries part 5

The staff of the aforesaid illustrious master of the offices is made up from the school of confidential agents as follows:A chief assistant,Assistants:two aids,three for the arsenals,four for the embroiderers in gold:for the diocese...

Register of Dignitaries part 4

The staff of the aforesaid office of the master in the presence is enrolled with the forces and assigned to staff duty.It includes the officers below mentioned:A chief of staff,Two accountants (numerarii),A custodian,Chief...

Register of Dignitaries part 3

The officials named in the text received high salaries. After working through to the highest staff position, which was commonly held for either one or two years, they were eligible for the lower governorships,...

Register of Dignitaries part 2

II The Pretorian Prefect of the East.Under the control of the illustrious* pretorian prefect of the East are the dioceses below mentioned:Each of the great officials of the empire at this time was...

Register of Dignitaries part 1

I. Register of the Dignitaries Both Civil and Military, in the Districts of the East.The pretorian prefect of the East.The pretorian prefect of Illyricum.The prefect of the city of Constantinople.Two masters of horse and...

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